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Alumi Shield Prime Residential Warranty


The Alumi Shield Prime Residential Warranty is automatically applied to all residential projects less than 4 levels completed by our Dulux Prime Accredited Powder Coaters.


Your Dulux Prime Accredited Powder Coater will simply need to check your project’s location before confirming the product suitability and warranty validity.

Protected substrates

The Dulux Alumi Shield Prime Residential Warranty is available for warranty grade Dulux Powder coat products on architectural grade aluminium when applied by a Dulux Prime Accredited Powder Coater. Example items made from architectural aluminium include windows, louvres, doors, balustrades, decorative sheet amongst others.


Warranted Performance

The Alumi Shield™ Warranty is made up of two key components, a colour warranty (for fade and chalking) and a durability warranty (film integrity).


Colour Warranty Durability Warranty
Alumi Shield Colour Warranty The Alumi Shield™ Colour Warranty is your assurance that the colour integrity will be maintained.
It is made up of two components:

  • Fade1
  • Chalk2
Alumi Shield<sup>TM</sup> Durability Warranty The Alumi Shield™ Durability Warranty is your assurance of film integrity.
The powder coating will not peel, crack or flake for the warranty period from the date the product is applied to the metal.
Colour Warranty
Alumi Shield Colour Warranty The Alumi Shield™ Colour Warranty is your assurance that the colour integrity will be maintained.
It is made up of two components:

  • Fade1
  • Chalk2
Durability Warranty
Alumi Shield Durability Warranty The Alumi Shield™ Durability Warranty is your assurance of film integrity.
The powder coating will not peel, crack or flake for the warranty period from the date the product is applied to the metal.


Terms and conditions apply

  • Dulux Alumi Shield™ Warranties are your assurance that the coating will not:
    • 1Fade (colour) – Colour fade testing will give a delta E (Hunter) laboratory reading less than five units from the original colour. In accordance with ASTM D2244.
    • 2Chalk – not exceed a rating of 2 for whites & pastels and a rating of 3 for deep colours as assessed in accordance with AS1580.481.1.11 test method.
  • The Alumi Shield™ durability warranty is a film integrity assurance that products will not Peel, crack or flake for the warranty period from the date the Product is applied to the Metal.
  • Warranties are only valid when applied by a Dulux Accredited Powder Coater to the warranty specification on recommended project types and conditions and maintained within the Dulux recommended Care and maintenance guidelines. For more information visit the Tech Advice page here
  • All Dulux premium powder coat products are backed by product specific Alumi ShieldTM warranties. Below is an overview of the warranty periods by product available from Dulux.
    Alumi Shield Warranty Table

*Excluding Intensity – 15 Years

Fluoroset warranties can only be issued by level 2 Accredited Powder Coaters as part of the standard warranty which requires sample testing for all projects – as a result it is not available as part of the Dulux Alumi Shield Prime Warranty


Project Suitability

The Alumi Shield Prime Residential Warranty is automatically applied to all residential projects less than 4 levels completed by our Dulux Prime Accredited Powder Coaters. Your Dulux Prime Accredited Powder Coater will simply need to check your project’s location before confirming the product suitability and warranty validity.


Asset owners need to retain their invoice from their supplier, which will act as their proof of purchase and warranty reference.

Use the following table to help you identify your project and the appropriate standard a product should meet for that environment.





  • Non-Habitable projects are those that are not dwelling types. Examples can be furniture, bus shelters, signage etc.
  • Residential properties are typically easy to maintain, given their height and access.
  • High-rise projects are less sheltered from neighbouring buildings, raising their exposure and reducing their ease of maintenance.
  • Monumental projects attract the most attention and have the highest standards required to uphold the reputation expected from landmark sites
Worth doing, worth Dulux.®